Pathways Study
Understanding the factors related to the transition to adult health care & the development of health care independence.
What is this study about?
We are interested in understanding the changing needs of young people living with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) as they become more independent and prepare to move from paediatric to adult services.
What will we ask?
This survey asks about the things that affect a young person's confidence and readiness to: (1) manage their health and (2) move to an adult hospital or healthcare service?
We will ask about your health and well-being, how easy or difficult it is to look after your health or to speak to your healthcare team and what support you get or might need.
The survey is anonymous and can be completed online in 5 minutes.
Transition to self-care and adult services can result in less compliance with treatments or use of supports and that can affect health outcomes.
We want to use what we learn from this anonymous survey to inform future services and identify supports that need to be or stay in place.
Why you?
We would like to invite adolescents and young people, living with CF, (aged 13-25 years) from across Ireland to complete our anonymous survey.
More Information:
For those under 18 years of age, parental consent and the agreement of the young person is necessary.
To find out about our study team, see our page: Meet the Study Team
To find out more information about the study,
click here if you are aged 18+ or click here if you are a parent / aged under 18.
Study Information
If you are a parent, our information sheet and consent form can be accessed at the link above. Following the completion of our consent form, a study link is sent to the email address provided for your teenage child.
Click the green bar below:
Contact Angeline [] to get more information about the project